Stoos-Trail 10K
ST10 - Fun run
This run leads from the start/finish area via the picturesque Ingenbohl Forest up to the valley station of the Stoos cable car. From there continue via Nagelisgärtli, Degenbalm down to Morschach.
After another short ascent to Axenstein Castle, the way back leads through the legendary Ingenbohl Forest back to the finish line at Ingenbohl-Brunnen. Not without doing an extra lap around the Ingenbohl monastery beforehand and then enjoying the finish line under the trees.
Stoos-Trail 24K
This run starts in Ingenbohl-Brunnen and leads via Ingenbohl Forest, past the Morschach golf course, via Nagelisgärtli to Alp Eu. From there follows a tough ascent via Bärentross, Furgglen to the Bergpreis on the Fronalpstock.
Here you can enjoy the great view of the beautiful Lake Lucerne. The path leads via Stoos and Stooswald through Morschach and the Ingenbohl Forest back to the finish line at Ingenbohl-Brunnen.

ST24 - For ambitious runners

ST46 - for the "professionals"
Stoos-Trail 46K
This run starts at the valley station of the Stoos-Bahn in the Schlattli and meanders along the Muota more or less flat into the Muotathal.
From now on, the ascent begins via Frutt and Achslen to Wannentritt. Along the hiking trails you go up to the Chlingenstock, via the grandiose tightrope walk you get to the mountain prize on the Fronalpstock.
From here it gets "more comfortable". Via Stoos, Stooswald, Morschach and the Ingenbohl Forest, you reach the well-deserved destination in Ingenbohl-Brunnen.
MOUNTAIN RUN - for verticals

Keep it simple, the name says it all. Finally, the Stoos Trail gets a pure mountain run for the specialists. The “BÄRGLAUF” is tailored to your needs with its easy-to-run hiking and gravel paths. The finish with the panorama over Lake Lucerne is the magnificent conclusion to this exciting race. ​
Start in Ingenbohl-Brunnen, via Ingenbohler Wald, Morschach golf course, Nägelisgärtli, continue via Stooswaldstrasse to the Stoos. The path continues via Frontal and Furggeli up to the Fronalpstock.

The next Generations
Mit diesem Lauf wollen wir dem Nachwuchs die Möglichkeit geben, sich unter Wettkampf-Bedingungen zu messen. Der Rundkurs findet in Ingenbohl statt und ist flach und für die ganz Kleinen und die nicht mehr so Kleinen ein tolles Erlebnis..